What Parents Need to Know About Their Child’s Egg Allergy

Egg allergies in North Texas children.
Image Credit – Alla Pogrebnaya/Shutterstock.com

An egg allergy is a potentially serious immune system response that occurs when the body reacts to egg proteins. For children affected by this condition, egg allergy treatment and management strategies are vital for maintaining their health and safety. North Texas parents will need to learn about dietary restrictions, emergency responses and other key factors to protect their child. Here are the fundamental aspects of egg allergy management that every parent should understand.

Tips for Parents of Children Experiencing Egg Allergies

Studies report that egg allergies affect around 0.8% of U.S. children and 1.3% of children under age 5. As one of the most common childhood allergies, it’s important for parents to recognize the signs and learn what treatment is available.

The Signs and Symptoms of an Egg Allergy

Children usually experience symptoms within a few minutes to an hour after eating products containing eggs. Most symptoms will be mild to moderate, including sneezing, a runny nose, congestion, hives, eczema, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting. In rare cases children will suffer a severe reaction (called anaphylaxis) that triggers swelling, a drop in blood pressure, dizziness and difficulty breathing.

Egg Allergy Testing Services Available to Children

When parents recognize these symptoms, the best next step is to speak with an allergist about professional food allergy testing. A skin prick or blood test will indicate if your child’s immune system reacts to egg proteins, and helps your allergist determine an accurate diagnosis.

How to Educate Your Child About Their Egg Allergy

Teaching your child about their food allergy is an important part of keeping them safe as they grow up. When children are ready you can provide age-appropriate advice, including asking about food ingredients, what to do in an emergency and so on.

Outgrowing an Egg Allergy

According to the Mayo Clinic, by age 16 about 60–80% of children will indeed outgrow their egg allergy. This information can help parents make valuable decisions, such as undergoing allergy testing periodically to assess whether their child’s allergy has changed or resolved.

Avoid Egg Exposure to Prevent Reactions

Children with egg allergies are at risk from various products including baked goods, pasta, mayonnaise, waffles and many other items. To prevent a reaction parents should check food labels for signs of egg as an ingredient or a potential trace amount. Also, be sure to inform your child’s school about their food allergy.

Best Ways to Manage Your Child’s Egg Allergy

Your allergist will develop a personalized allergy treatment plan to help manage this condition. Oral immunotherapy is one possible option, as this treatment desensitizes the immune system to egg proteins over time. Carrying an epinephrine auto-injector is also necessary (to be used in response to an anaphylactic episode).

Professional Egg Allergy Testing and Treatment in North Texas

Has your child experienced a reaction after eating eggs? Then speak with the experts at TexasAllergyMD. We provide patient-centered egg allergy treatment and testing for children at our locations in McKinney/Prosper and Southlake. Call (469) 375-1525 or request an appointment today.

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