Oral allergy syndrome (OAS) occurs when the body confuses the proteins in raw fruits, vegetables and nuts with pollen allergens. Also called pollen-food allergy syndrome, the condition can cause various uncomfortable symptoms, including itching and tingling of the mouth, lips and throat. If you or your child experiences these symptoms, you should speak with your North Texas allergist as soon as possible to discuss the best treatment options.
Best Treatments for Oral Allergy Syndrome
The appropriate treatment for OAS will vary depending on the severity of symptoms and risk to the patient. The following OAS management techniques may be recommended after an appointment with your allergist.
Allergy Testing to Identify the Triggers
Skin prick allergy testing is an important part of the overall treatment process, as it identifies the specific foods that trigger a reaction. If you have common seasonal allergies to tree, grass or weed pollen, you could develop OAS due to cross-reactivity. This issue occurs because proteins in certain foods like apples, bananas, carrots, celery, oranges, peaches and pears are similar to pollen proteins, thus triggering allergic reactions when eaten.
Make Changes to Food Preparation
If you have mild OAS symptoms, simple lifestyle and food preparation changes can help manage your condition. And once food allergy testing identifies your triggers, you can either avoid these foods completely or try cooking them instead. Cooking such foods often makes them safe to eat, as heat literally breaks down the proteins that cause an allergic reaction.
Build Tolerance With Allergy Shots
People experiencing more severe reactions may be good candidates for immunotherapy treatment. This approach involves receiving periodic allergy shots at your allergist’s office. By gradually exposing the immune system to the specific allergen in manageable doses, it’s possible to desensitize the body and prevent further reactions.
While allergy shots require a long-term commitment, the benefits to a patient’s health and well-being can be significant. This treatment reduces sensitivity to pollen allergens and consequently decreases OAS symptoms, allowing you to enjoy many foods that would have previously triggered a reaction.
Allergy Drops to Desensitize the Immune System
For patients who feel anxious about allergy injections, sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) treats oral allergy syndrome as well. Rather than using shots, SLIT uses allergen drops placed under the tongue. These drops contain small amounts of the specific allergens, helping build immunity through controlled exposure.
Treatment begins under medical supervision to ensure safety, then patients continue taking the drops at home. Regular follow-up appointments monitor the treatment’s effectiveness. With consistent use of SLIT patients typically experience reduced OAS symptoms along with improved health, and of course, fewer seasonal allergy reactions.
Patient-Centered Oral Allergy Syndrome Care in North Texas
If you experience allergic reactions after eating certain fruits, vegetables and nuts, TexasAllergyMD is here to help. We provide first-rate oral allergy syndrome testing and treatment services at locations in McKinney/Prosper and Southlake. Call (469) 375-1525 or request an appointment today.