What to Expect During a Skin Prick Allergy Test

North Texas skin prick tests.
Image Credit – Ground Picture/Shutterstock.com

Allergy testing services are vital tools in the long-term management and treatment of allergies. In North Texas, allergy specialists provide these essential diagnostic services to both adults and children seeking a reliable allergy diagnosis. If you have a food or environmental allergy, your allergist will likely recommend a skin prick test. Let’s examine what you can expect from the procedure.

What You Need to Know About a Skin Prick Allergy Test

Skin prick testing is the most common type of allergy test, in most cases providing results within an hour. Typically, patients will experience the following stages during the testing procedure.

Skin Preparation

The skin must be initially cleaned to ensure oils, lotions and other substances don’t interfere with results. Small marks are then placed on the skin (usually the forearm) to label each of the allergens being tested.

Allergen Application

Drops containing specific allergens are placed on the marked areas of the skin, allowing multiple substances to be tested simultaneously. Common allergens include pollens, dust mites, molds, various food proteins and pet dander.

The Skin Prick Test

Your allergist will utilize the skin testing device, dip it in the allergy extract and then prick your skin. The good news is that this does not involve a needle. No blood at all. The allergen can then enter the tissue just beneath the skin’s surface and interact with immune cells. This approach to allergy testing is important as it helps pinpoint the specific triggers that are causing your allergy symptoms.

Waiting and Observation

The next stage involves waiting for around 15–20 minutes to monitor for an immune system response. If your body reacts to any of the allergens you can expect a raised red bump (called a wheal), and possibly some additional inflammation.

Measuring Reactions

Your allergist will evaluate the wheal size, measuring the size, appearance and severity of the redness and raised bump. Reactions of this type can help identify if you have an allergy.

Recording Skin Prick Test Results

Skin prick allergy test results will help the allergist identify your allergies and reach a diagnosis. Your allergist will consider these results along with your prior symptoms, your medical history and so on.

Post-Test Clean-Up

Once the test is completed, the testing area of your skin will be cleansed to remove any residual allergen drops. Some people may experience mild irritation or itching, which will typically resolve in 24 hours.

Allergy Diagnosis

The final stage of the skin prick testing procedure involves interpreting the results, then providing a diagnosis. Skin prick tests deliver reliable, accurate results that are invaluable when used alongside analysis of your symptoms and medical history. When an allergy is confirmed, your allergist will create a personalized allergy treatment plan.

Contact Us for Skin Prick Allergy Testing in North Texas

At TexasAllergyMD we help adults and children manage seasonal, environmental and food allergies. Visit us in McKinney/Prosper or Southlake for skin prick allergy testing and personalized treatment plans. Call (469) 375-1525 or request an appointment now.

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