Top Methods for Effectively Managing a Shellfish Allergy

North Texas shellfish allergy management.
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Shellfish allergies are notorious for triggering some of the most severe allergic reactions in both adults and children. For those affected, following a personalized food allergy management plan is essential for staying safe and healthy. From learning about problem ingredients to carrying emergency medication, your North Texas allergist can help you successfully manage your food allergy. Let’s look at the best methods to prevent allergic reactions and improve your quality of life.

What Are the Best Shellfish Allergy Management Strategies?

When you’re concerned about a shellfish allergy, it’s important to visit your local allergist as soon as possible. With innovative food allergy care you can reduce your risk of exposure, and be prepared if a severe reaction occurs.

Take Preventative Measures to Avoid Allergen Exposure

After experiencing common shellfish allergy symptoms – including breathing difficulties, hives, lip and mouth swelling, congestion, stomach pains and itching – avoiding allergen exposure is a crucial first step. Shellfish ingredients can appear in many unexpected products, from processed foods to sauces and seasonings. Reading food labels will help you make safe food choices until you have been tested for allergies.

Visit Your Allergist for Food Allergy Testing

Undergoing testing will help you understand if you have a food allergy, as well as the precise allergens triggering a reaction. Skin prick testing is the most common type of test, as it can be performed at your allergist’s office and provides quick, accurate results. After a diagnosis you will be able to make necessary lifestyle adjustments and better avoid allergen exposure.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

After food allergy testing, your allergist may prescribe an epinephrine auto-injector to be used in case of emergency. For instance, shellfish allergies can be severe and can potentially cause dizziness, a drop in blood pressure, a weak pulse and even loss of consciousness. If you experience anaphylaxis it’s critical to administer an epinephrine dose immediately. Be sure to learn how to use the auto-injector correctly, and explain the process to close friends and family members.

Communicate Your Shellfish Allergy Needs

A person with a shellfish allergy could be allergic to shrimp, crab, lobster, prawns, scallops and other types of crustaceans and mollusks. After receiving a comprehensive diagnosis you can explain your allergy to relevant parties including restaurant staff, your child’s school, at group dinners and so on. Wearing a medical ID bracelet that states your shellfish allergy is also a good idea.

Review Your Allergy Status Periodically

Your allergist may recommend attending appointments to review your allergy status. These visits are particularly important if you experience new symptoms, or believe your tolerance may have changed. If you experience a reaction to a different type of shellfish, for example, your allergist can perform food allergy testing and create a revised shellfish allergy care plan when needed.

Contact Us for Shellfish Allergy Care in North Texas

If you or your child are affected by a shellfish allergy, don’t hesitate to contact TexasAllergyMD. We provide patient-centered food allergy testing and treatment at locations in McKinney/Prosper and Southlake. Call (469) 375-1525 or request an appointment now.

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