Bug bites are more than just an aggravation for many people across North Texas. Without proper allergy care and management, these seemingly minor irritations can pose a real danger to your health. Whether it’s intense swelling or difficulty breathing, recognizing these signs is critical to get fast, effective treatment. So, how can you know for sure if you have a bug bite allergy?
Common Signs I Have an Allergy to Bug Bites
In North Texas, bites and stings from many insects can cause severe reactions. From mosquitoes, fire ants and ticks to fleas, horseflies and gnats, you or your child could be at risk from various bugs both in the home and outdoors.
Pay Attention to the Location and Severity of the Reaction
Following a bug bite or sting, it’s perfectly normal to experience mild swelling and redness at the site where you were bitten or stung. This response is the immune system protecting itself from the insect saliva and other substances. In response, the body releases histamine and other chemicals, which result in minor localized inflammation. However, if you suffer from a moderate or even severe allergic reaction, you can expect the symptoms to be more extensive and potentially last longer.
In the video below, Dr. Mireku discusses the differences between a normal bug bite and an allergic reaction, and shares some favorite prevention tips.
Consider the Common Fire Ant Bite Allergy Symptoms
Recognizing the common allergy symptoms from bug bites allows for a rapid treatment response. Frequently, symptoms from an allergic reaction will affect various areas of the body not limited to the bite location. Along with skin involvement, symptoms may also affect the respiratory system and digestive system, and can include the following.
- Itching may appear on various parts of the body.
- Significant swelling and inflammation expanding from the bite location.
- Vomiting or diarrhea.
- Swelling of the lips, mouth and throat.
- Difficulty breathing and swallowing.
- Dizziness or loss of consciousness.
Individuals could suffer from one or many of these symptoms whether it’s a moderate or severe reaction. If you’re concerned about anaphylaxis from a fire ant, head straight to the emergency room for medical attention.
Get Tested for Allergies
Following an allergic reaction, you should speak with your allergist for information on the best fire ant treatments. Your allergist will perform allergy testing to identify the source of the reaction, usually with a skin prick test. This diagnosis will be used to create the treatment plan, which could include allergy shots or allergy drops to desensitize the immune system to an allergen.
Fire Ant Allergy Specialists in North Texas
At TexasAllergyMD we diagnose and treat a range of allergies, from bug bites and pet dander to seasonal and environmental issues. Visit our allergy treatment centers in McKinney/Prosper or Southlake for the best allergy care. Call (469) 375-1525 or request an appointment today.