How Can Allergy Desensitization Benefit My Child?

Allergy desensitization in McKinney and Southlake.
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A child’s allergies can be a significant source of discomfort, often affecting their health as well as happiness. The first step in addressing these chronic symptoms is usually a simple pediatric allergy test to identify the specific allergens involved. Once diagnosed, allergy desensitization treatments could be life-changing, enabling a child to build tolerance to the substances that trigger their reactions. However, before starting immunotherapy, North Texas parents will naturally want to explore the benefits.

The Main Ways Allergy Desensitization Can Benefit Children

Several highly effective allergy desensitization treatments are used to treat seasonal, environmental and food allergies. Let’s look at the benefits of the main therapies.

Diverse Allergy Desensitization Options for Children

Allergists have several practical desensitization approaches – the path chosen naturally depends on the child’s needs and the type of allergy. Allergy drops (or SLIT treatment) use small doses of an allergen placed under the tongue to desensitize the immune system. Both environmental and food allergy drops can help children build tolerance to allergens. Allergy shots require a series of injections at your allergist’s office. Another food allergy treatment, oral immunotherapy treatment (OIT), involves the consumption of gradually increasing amounts of food to increase tolerance.

Reduce the Severity of Allergic Reactions

Each of these desensitization processes can minimize the impact of common allergy symptoms like hives, congestion, stomach pains and breathing difficulties. Treatments like allergy drops and allergy shots can reduce the severity of a reaction, thus decreasing the potential for an anaphylactic reaction.

Long-Term Relief From Allergies

The goal of allergy desensitization is to reach a maintenance dose where the child experiences minor or no symptoms after allergen exposure. The various types of desensitization are the only treatments where this ongoing, long-term relief is possible.

Safe Allergy Treatments for Children

Meta-analysis of studies shows that SLIT is a safe treatment for children. This treatment is well-tolerated and offers beneficial results for kids who are suffering the impact of allergy symptoms from pollen, dust, mold or various other substances.

Improved Social Well-Being

Children with food allergies often feel the need to avoid social events and school activities due to the risks of allergen exposure. But socializing with peers is vital for a child’s development – and allergies shouldn’t get in the way. By committing to food SLIT, or food OIT, children can enjoy the benefits of an active social life.

Convenient Treatment Options

The best allergy treatments desensitize the immune system through gradual exposure to an allergen. While this process is reliable, it does require an ongoing commitment to the treatment. However, allergy drops (SLIT treatment) for food or environmental allergies will be administered primarily at home, with minimal need for an office visit or injections.

Contact Us for Pediatric Allergy Desensitization

At TexasAllergyMD we provide patient-centered allergy desensitization treatments for children. If you require trusted allergy testing and treatment services, visit one of our allergy treatment centers in McKinney/Prosper or Southlake. Call (469) 375-1525 or request an appointment now.

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Understand your actual allergy triggers with precision allergy testing at our allergy treatment centers.

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Allergy Treatment Options

Allergy relief starts with our holistic allergy care and innovative desensitization treatments.

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